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Writer's pictureAbby Cirkles

The Forfeit of Peace

Updated: Sep 29

In the song “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” there’s a verse that has been rolling in my mind all week.

What a Friend we have in Jesus,

All our sins and griefs to bear!

What a privilege to carry,

Everything to God in prayer!

O what peace we often forfeit,

O what needless pain we bear,

All because we do not carry,

Everything to God in prayer!”

When something is weighing on our hearts or minds, we tend to seek out validation.

We want the visual cue of a friend nodding their head as we share our heartfelt woes.

We want the sighs and remarks of sympathy from a spouse.

Even just the little heart on a text message that was sent gives us the spike of affirmation that we aren’t alone.

It’s totally normal to want to be heard and seen.

There’s power in friendship. Nothing is wrong with any of that. (I actually support it!)

But can I encourage you? Prayer is not a solo moment for you to speak to the air. Talking with your friend Jesus is a place we sometimes forget about and it’s a powerful place to cast your cares.

Prayer is not just talking to yourself. Prayer is talking to Jesus. There IS someone on the other side of your comments, commentaries, and concerns.

The Holy Spirit unites us to Jesus the Intercessor and heaven hears every word you whisper.

Jesus knows you and your situation more than anyone else. He is a friend who will sit and cry with you, who will hug and embolden you.

There truly is a peace that surpasses understanding when you pray. Not just plea. Not just ask requests but truly pour out your heart. Just as you would tell your mom on the phone or a friend in a prayer line, you can talk to Jesus.

It is a privilege to have a God who listens.

It is a privilege to know you aren’t just talking to the air.

If you have been forfeiting peace; pray.

If you have been bearing pain; pray.

On a walk, on a drive, in the shower, in your bed….find a space and carry your cares to the Lord in prayer this week. Give them over. Share them in speech and in trust. You may not get the answer you want or the delete button you desire to just make everything go away. But you will get His nearness, that’s a promise. (Hebrews 13:5)

In His Joy,



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