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Churches : The Clouds Are Forming

Updated: Jul 14

This week, I got the children out of bed to see this magnificent rainbow. We marveled together at the beauty after the storm and thanked God for His faithfulness to His promises .

Do you sense it? The rumbling in your spirit of something shifting? Because I sure do.

For a moment:

Forget your location.

Forget your politics.

Forget your busy schedule.

Forget your goals and ambitions.

I’m not talking about any of that.

In the quiet of your soul, as a member of His Body, Jesus’ Global Church, do you sense it?

In prayer, in person, and on my phone I keep hearing the same thing - MOVES of God are on the move. An outpouring is occurring. And He always pours to prepare. An outpouring usually refers to an equipping! He’s refreshing, restoring, reuniting, and releasing what We need as His body to be on mission with Him in the days to come.

Like a stirring in the sky, as clouds combine getting larger and fuller, I feel the faith of the people of God doing the same.

I have talked to eight specific friends, from different nations and cities, who are all saying the same thing:

Our church is encountering Jesus in ways we haven’t encountered Him in years! Glory to God! He’s coming like only He can!

So in a short encouragement, I wanted to make space to be the one to say, you are not imagining this! HE IS POURING OUT. Don’t hunker down and let it blow over. Put your faith boots on and get in that rain!

Practically what does that look like? We must continue to yield.

  • In services when you sense the shift, follow that shift!

  • In your day when that song bubbles up in your heart, stop right then and there and offer that song as a gift to the Lord. Sing it out!

  • In your night when you wake up burdened to pray, don’t roll over, get up and spend time with Him.

  • In meetings, as different strategies come up, listen to the Holy Spirit.

  • On your break when that person drops in your heart send them a text.

All of those little moments of yielding are like water droplets adding up in a cloud. Molucue by molecule getting heavier and larger until the rain starts to come.

People are thirsty. They are hangry. They are fearful in the famine. And yet IN HIS KINDNESS Jesus is choosing to pour out! That’s my Jesus!

Jesus brings life to every dead place.

Jesus brings satisfaction to every soul.

Jesus brings nourishment to every weary one.

He is training and teaching. He is leading and loving. He is coming and He is here.

I personally am asking for more! I’m praying “Lord, don’t pass by! Pour on my home! Pour on my heart!”

And guess what, He is. Times of refreshing! Times of empowerment! Not just to “have a good time” but because we MUST have His equipping to be effective.

One last metaphor because I think it may put language to possibly what you’ve been feeling: Imagine having delicious beef steak all your life, and then one day you to to a restaurant and you ask for beef. The waiter then brings out a tiny dried up beef jerky stick.

Your reaction : “Negative. That’s not beef!”

“But it is!” The waiter persists. So you give it a try and learn it is beef but it’s not the portion you know and love.

This is not in condemnation, but with a hopeful heart I say : don’t settle for anything less than full satisfaction in Jesus. If you’ve been frustrated with tiny self help devotionals and cookie cutter services, there is probably a reason. You have been ruined by His presence; the meat of His Word and the richness of His friendship is the taste you now know and crave. That is a good thing.

The enemy has been trying to fork out all kinds of nonsense, maybe even “good things” that aren’t evil but aren’t fruitful. It’s left you very unsatisfied. But I’m telling you friends, if you have ears to hear, you will see that a shift is happening for a corporate release of more. True worship. Pure presence. The Lord is stirring the hunger and increasing the thirst so we will continue to be filled!

So, sing those songs! Pray those prayers! Carve out the space and time at the altar of your church buildings, and homes!

He will pour and as a result His promises will be BRIGHT in the earth.

Ready For The Saturation,



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